These quotes are listed alphabetically by author and then date published. They are included here because, in my opinion, they can spark important reflection. Click on a quote image for further discussion.
Alex Gillespie Enrico Gnaulati Temple Grandin Stanley I. Greenspan Paul E. McGhee Barry M. Prizant
Stuart G. Shanker Steve Silberman
TEMPLE GRANDIN - Continued...
”Researchers have a lovely term for that tendency to see the trees before recognizing the forest: local bias.”
Grandin, Temple (2013) The Autistic Brain. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: Boston; New York. p. 122.
”I know that my short-term memory is horrible, which isn't unusual among high-functioning autistics. We're not good at multitasking. We have poor memories for faces and names. And sequencing? Forget it.”
Grandin, Temple (2013) The Autistic Brain. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: Boston; New York. p. 127.
”I think that bottom-up, details-first thinkers like myself are more likely to have creative breakthroughs just because we don't know where we're going. We accumulate details without knowing what they mean and without necessarily attaching emotional significance to them. We seek connections among them without knowing where they're taking us. We hope those associations will lead us to the big picture-the forest-but we don't know where we will be until we arrive there. We expect surprises.”
Grandin, Temple (2013) The Autistic Brain. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: Boston; New York. p. 131.
”An attention to details, a hefty memory, and an ability to make associations can all work together to make the unlikely creative leap ever more likely.”
Grandin, Temple (2013) The Autistic Brain. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: Boston; New York. p. 131.