Language & Autism - Strategies

Individuals with language deficit and/or delay acquire communication skills at a slower pace and often through the use of learning strategies. The most productive strategies address the specific nature of the deficit, developmental levels, and communication environments. Selecting the most appropriate strategy and focus is a function of the art, skill, and experience of the practitioner.
        Lesson plans and corresponding materials that support a chosen strategy and focus are essential for productive treatment/learning activities. Instruction may be more effective if it is centered around context (word relationships), events in a sequence, and dialogue. It may be very helpful to use visuals that allow the educator to check for meaning throughout a lesson. Verbal responses may sometimes be misleading if they are correct but simply echoed or picked randomly from choices offered. Visuals should be clear and iconic. Careful use of redundancy of images and lesson structure can enhance understanding and recall. Verbal aspects should match the learners developmental level.

Pick a Strategy and Focus

Basic Concepts     Functions     Categories     Compare/Contrast     Figurative Language    

Attribute     Position     Word Order     Events

Questions     Directions     Games     Pronouns     Jokes     Conversations     Messages     Narratives
