
Story: Goldilocks Cover
-This story tells the sequence of events in the story of Goldilocks and The Three Bears.
-The printable pages can be cut and stapled together to make a book.
-Narration for each page is at the end of the printable and can be matched and/or attached to the corresponding page.
-Questions can be asked for each event and the story can be retold.


Story: Goldilocks Title & Start
-The first two pages mark the beginning of this well known fairy tale.
-The title tells the characters in the story.
-"Once upon a time" announces the start in many fairy tales.


Story: Goldilocks Page 5
- "Goldilocks comes inside the door. She sees a table in the kitchen. The table has bowls of hot porridge. Goldilocks is hungry! She walks over to the table."


Story: Goldilocks Pages 6-8
- "First, Goldilocks tastes the big bowl of porridge. It is too hot!"
- "Then Goldilocks tastes the medium sized bowl of porridge. It is too hot!"
- "Next, Goldilocks tastes the little bowl of porridge. It is just right! She eats all of the porridge!"


Story: Goldilocks Page 9
- "Goldilocks ate all of the porridge in the little bowl. Now she wants to sit down."


Story: Goldilocks Pages 10-12
- "Goldilocks sits in the big chair. It is too big!"
- "Goldilocks sits in the medium sized chair. It is too big!"
- "Goldilocks sits in the little chair. It is just right!"


Story: Goldilocks Page 13
- "Goldilocks broke the little chair! It broke into pieces!"


Story: Goldilocks Page 14
- "Goldilocks was getting sleepy. She went into the bedroom."


Story: Goldilocks Pages 15-17
-"Goldilocks gets into the big bed. The big bed is too hard!"
- "Goldilocks gets into the medium sized bed. The medium sized bed is too soft!"
- "Goldilocks gets into the little bed. The little bed is just right! Goldilocks goes to sleep."


Story: Goldilocks Page 18
- "The three bears come home. They walk to the front door. The bears go inside."


Story: Goldilocks Pages 19-21
- "Pappa Bear goes over to the table. He looks at his big bowl. Then Pappa Bear says: 'Someone has been eating my porridge!'"
- "Mamma Bear goes over to the table. She looks at her medium sized bowl. Then Mamma Bear says: 'Someone has been eating my porridge!'"
- "Baby Bear goes over to the table. He looks at his little bowl. Then Baby Bear says: 'Someone has been eating my porridge! My porridge is all gone!'"


Story: Goldilocks Pages 22-24
- "Pappa Bear goes over to the big chair. He looks at his big chair. Then Pappa Bear says: 'Someone has been sitting in my chair!'"
- "Mamma Bear goes over to the medium sized chair. She looks at her medium sized chair. Then Mamma Bear says: 'Someone has been sitting in my chair!'"
- "Baby Bear goes over to the little chair. He looks at his little chair. Then Baby Bear says: 'Someone has been sitting in my chair! My chair is broken! My chiar is in little pieces!'"


Story: Goldilocks Pages 25-27
- "The bears go into the bedroom. Pappa Bear goes over to the big bed. He looks at his big bed. Then Pappa Bear says: 'Someone has been sleeping in my bed!'"
- "Mamma Bear goes over to the medium sized bed. She looks at her medium sized bed. Then Mamma Bear says: 'Someone has been sleeping in my bed!'"
- "Baby Bear goes over to the little bed. He looks at his little bed. Then Baby Bear says: 'Someone is sleeping in my bed! She is still in my bed!'"


Story: Goldilocks Pages 28 & 29
- "Goldilocks wakes up. She jumps out of the bed. Then Goldilocks screams!"
- "Goldilocks runs out the back door."


Story: Goldilocks Page 30
- "Goldilocks runs all the way home."


Story: Goldilocks Page 31
-This is the closing page to mark the end of the story.
- "The End"
- Story conventions like "Once upon a time..." and "The End" are important to include and emphasize.


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