
Little Mermaid Story
Activity: Click on the questions and pictures to read narration for each scene. This activity is intended to be errorless and is designed with instructor assistance in mind.
Story: Click on the arrow to go to the next page.

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The Little Mermaid
This is the title of the story.

Printable here.




The Little Mermaid.
The story is about the Little Mermaid.

Printable here.


The five mermaid sisters.
The story is about the 5 mermaid sisters.

Printable here.


The Sea King and the Sea Witch.
The story is about the Sea King and the Sea Witch.

Printable here.


The Prince and the Princess.
The story is about the Prince and the Princess.

Printable here.




The Little Mermaid lives in a castle at the bottom of the sea.
She has 5 sisters.
Her father is the Sea King.

Printable here.




One day, the Little Mermaid saw a Prince.
He was sailing on his ship in the sea.
The Little Mermaid fell in love with the Prince.

Printable here.




A terrible storm broke the ship apart.
The Little Mermaid swam out into the deep water.
She saved the Prince.
Then she sang to him until he woke.



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